The schedule of joint studio between Taipei Tech, MCU and KU has become final. Taipei Tech and MCU students are coming to KU and working together with KU students.
Professors from Taipei Tech, Ming Chuan University and Premier University (Bangladesh) participated in the juried final presentation of Diploma Project.
We participated in Q-conference2015 poster session held in Fukuoka University of Education in 5 Dec.
Prof. Yap gave a lecture for EEP on "Bachelor of science in architecture curriculum
(college of architecture, University of the Philippines Diliman)","Licensure and Registration Brief", which was followed by The forth meeting of the EEP program staffs was convened.
Prof. Yap gave a special lecture for EEP on "Ensuring Safer Informal Shelter Family
(ISF) Communities through Collective Action".
ヤップ先生によるEEP特別講義「Ensuring Safer Informal Shelter Family (ISF) Communities through Collective
Prof. Yap will give the special lecture for EEP on "Ensuring Safer Informal Shelter Family (ISF) Communities through Collective Action".
ヤップ先生によるEEP特別講義「Ensuring Safer Informal Shelter Family (ISF) Communities through Collective Action」が行われます。
Meiden Univ in Taiwan and KU concluded the international exchange agreement.
Meiden Univ in Taiwan and KU are going to have joint studio and lecture by each other's teachers.
The schedule of joint studio between BUET and KU has become final. KU students are visiting BUET and working together with BUET students and will attend the jury of the project.
20 May 2015
BUET/KU students' Joint field work at Lalbagh Fort, Dhaka.
Prof. David Yap (UP-SURP: University of the Philippines, School of Urban and Regional Planning) assumed his post as a visiting professor of special projects (including this EEP).
KU teachers visted BUET for preparation of the joint studio. Visiting the site of old Dhaka and understanding of BUET students are fruitful for the coming joint studio.
Prof. Mowla will give the 2nd special lecture for EEP on "Heritage Area Conservation: The Case of Panam Nagar". This lecture is also a lecture for Bengal seminar.
Time and Venue: TBA (Ohashi campus).
時刻, 場所: 18:30~(大橋キャンパス)
Prof. Mowla (BUET) ,Prof.Shan (Ming Chuan Universitey),Prof.Lein (MCU),Prof.Chen (MCU)participated in the juried final presentation of Diploma Project.
Prof. Mowla (BUET) participated in the juried final presentation of "Architectural Design Project".
Prof. Mowla (BUET) participated in the juried final presentation of "Urban Design Project".
The forth meeting of the program staffs was convened, which was followed by a discussion with Prof. Mowla on the BUET/KU joint design studio.
The third meeting of the program staffs was convened, which was followed by a discussion with Prof. Mowla on the BUET/KU joint design studio.
Prof. Mowla gave a special lecture for EEP on "Deciphering the Evolutionary Form of Urban Dhaka". As this lecture is a class for "Theory for urban environment design" of Dept. of environmental design, school of design, many students attended the lecture. Students' comments are basically very positive, though they have some language barrier.
Time: 16:40-18:10, Venue: Room524 (2nd floor of Bldg.5) Ohashi campus.
Dr. Tanoue, Dr. Inoue and some of our students visited Taipei Tech and Meiden Univ in Taiwan.
7th Bengal Seminar started at 7pm. The speaker was Dr. Tanoue. The subject of his talk is "Why am I interested in traditional architectures and settlements in Bangladesh, though my specialty is architectural planning?"
The second meeting of the program staffs was convened.
Prof. Qazi Azizul Mowla (BUET: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) assumed his post as a visiting professor of special projects (including this EEP).
Prof. Mowla (BUET) participated in the juried presentation of "Architectural Project" as a guest jury, though this is his first day at Kyushu University.
Dr. Zhu Xiang Jing (Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Chinese University of Hong Kong) visited Kyushu University as a guest lecturer. He gave a lecture for "Architectural Design" (Dept. of Design Strategy, GSD) and "Architectural Planning and Design" (Dept. of Environmental Design, SD). A design workshop was organized for the students interested.
A Wi-fi router, a telephone and a printer/scanner were installed in the EEP-ICD room (3F academic core, Bldg.2).
Dr. Oi will make an presentation of the program at the faculty group meeting.
The website was set up.
The meeting of the program staff was convened. The agenda was invitations of lecturers from partner universities and other project master planning.
Applications for the invitation grant were filed to invite lecturers from BUET and UP-SURP.
Dr. Tani visited BUET and had a fruitful meeting with the head of the department of architecture.
The first meeting of the program staffs was convened.
The program was adopted by Kyushu University.