Naoyuki Oi, Dr. Eng., Associate professor, Faculty of Design, Environmental psychology (Head of EEP)
Kenichi Tanoue, Dr. Eng., Professor, Faculty of Design, Architectural planning (contact with UP)
Tetsuya Ukai, MA, Associate professor, Faculty of Design, Architectural design
Masakazu Tani, Ph.D, Professor, Faculty of Design, Environmental anthropology (contact with BUET)
Tomo Inoue, Dr. Eng., Assistant professor, Faculty of Design, Building construction planning (contact with Taipei Tech)
プログラム担当教員(九州大学 大学院芸術工学研究院 環境デザイン部門)
大井尚行准教授 環境心理学,工学博士 プログラム代表
田上健一教授 建築計画学,博士(工学) フィリピン大学連携担当
鵜飼哲矢准教授 建築意匠学,MA
谷 正和教授 環境人類学,Ph.D バングラデシュ工科大学連携担当
井上朝雄助教 建築構法計画学,博士(工学) 國立臺北科技大學連携担当
Qazi Azizul Mowla, PhD., Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
David Yap, Ph.D., Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Philippines
As of March 2016.